EquiSport Photography and Video Services
Kathleen Robb is available to photograph your horse at shows or at home. She can take ID ,promotional, conformation photos or action shots. Call for more information.
If you click on photos they will enlarge.
Many of the website photo's are shot by Kathleen Robb. And more samples of her work will be placed here as time allows.
Our main page photos, the mare photos , foals born at the farm, and the stallion page (all but the photo where she is riding Tamino herself at the CDI Dressage show at Waterloo of course)where taken by her.
Combined with a great appreciation of the artistic equine form and business of equine promotion she is now offering her commercial art /photography services to the public.
In the past she has created the ideas for the Logo's for the AQHA stallion "Impressive Warror" which involved the addition of a "warror's spear" and modified text for his name when ever his name was used in advertising in the Michigan QH Journal and QH Journal. Kathleen also did all the advertising production in both local and national magazines and most of the photography for the owner of River Battle a T.B. Stallion for over 10 years. As well as lay out and design for most of Tamino fliers,and magazine adds.
* Photographers Note: on some of the Tamnio "show" photos that are on parts of this site, where not taken by Kathleen, the website is still under construction all photographers will be credited as we complete a mechanical place for your names with each photo the site and in no way dose Kathleen attempt to claim those photos where taken by her. And she thanks the photographers againthe wonderful job they did persevering the exciting images of Tamino doing what he did best for all time!
I want to thank "Randi" for her large Trakehner influence over me , the opportunity to get started with Trakehners, the wonderful hauling trips to see the breed icon's such as; "Condus" in person while he was still alive and to buy one of his stallion prospect sons, the long road trips to Christina's farm to see "Graditz" in his prime and the opportunity to see him put on a exhibition performance over free jumps and help pick out one of his fillies for your mare herd , all the big shows where winning was easy with your stallions , mares and foals and to show at Devon the 1st time, and thank you for showing me how years ago to take good horse photos!